This download contains three documents:

  • Elements of White Supremacy Culture Summary (5 pages)
  • Qualities of Regenerative & Liberatory Culture Summary (7 pages)
  • White Supremacy Culture + Regenerative & Liberatory Culture Image Slides (contains the icons we produced for each of the elements/qualities, 2 slides total)


Use this download to...

🌱 Meditate and reflect on the White Supremacy Culture Elements and the Regenerative & Liberatory Culture Qualities in a way that’s visual & easily digestible

👐🏽 Socialize these ideas with colleagues and/or comrades clearly and easily

📝 Present on/adapt these concepts and images in your own organization and/or with your clients


We initially created these handouts as pre-reading for our design sessions – we refer to these frameworks a ton in our work with clients, and even snail-mail participants hard copies of them to keep handy as a quick reference because folks find them so powerful and helpful.

These frameworks enable us to build shared language around the respective WSC elements and G&LC qualities so we can have clearer and more pointed conversations about what we want to design out of our ways of working together, as well as speak to the future of what we want to design towards.  

Using these two frameworks at the same time enables us to 1. see with open eyes what we’re trying to leave, as well as 2. cultivate a vision of where we’re trying to go. We use the qualities of regenerative and liberatory culture as aspirations that help us radically author a world of equity, justice, belonging, and liberation with hopefulness and intentionality, rather than just focusing on mitigating white supremacy culture (which is what we feel can happen when relying solely on the “antidotes” that are included in the WSC framework).

We want to be crystal clear that these frameworks are not our own – but the source documents are pretty long, dense, and don’t have any visuals/illustrations, so we summarized the frameworks and created accompanying icons/graphics for the qualities + elements that help us make these ideas easier to remember and use.

These summary sheets and images are intended to be supports as we build folks’ capacity to understand and use these mental models, but they alone are not sufficient. If you are a facilitator or holder of space and are looking to incorporate these concepts into your practice, please take a deep dive into the source materials linked below!


White Supremacy Culture Characteristics by Tema Okun: https://www.whitesupremacyculture.info/characteristics.html

Qualities of Regenerative and Liberatory Culture by Daniel Lim: https://regenerative.medium.com/qualities-of-regenerative-and-liberating-culture-9d3809b30557


We charge a small fee for the use of artifacts we’ve produced because it helps us offset some of the costs of making them and working with a designer to create the images. If you’re in charge of making stuff for yourself or your organization, you know how much work goes into something that seems so simple at first glance and hopefully the cost seems like a fair exchange for the work we’re saving you. 

Real talk, we’d love to just break even 😉. 

If the cost isn’t doable right now, we still want you to be able to use this work just reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll send you a coupon code to download this set of resources for a sizable discount.

🌱 Meditate and reflect on the White Supremacy Culture Elements and the Regenerative & Liberatory Culture Qualities in a way that’s visual & easily digestible

👐🏽 Socialize these ideas with colleagues and/or comrades clearly and easily

📝 Present on/adapt these concepts and images in your own organization and/or with your clients

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