Just Business

A 2-week intensive to learn how to start, run, and scale an equitable business

Hey you! Yes you! Just Business will happen later this year -- make sure you're signed up on our newsletter because that's where we'll announce when registration for this intensive will open!


Well, whaddyaknow -- being 💣 at what you do is super different than building a healthy, wealthy, equitable, joy-producing business around that thing, and that’s why we designed this two-week intensive to help you learn the ins and outs of starting, running, and growing an equitable organization. We’ll impart all our hacks, best practices, and hard-won lessons learned, potentially saving you untold amounts of months/years/money/energy/blood/sweat/tears/bile 🤗

Waitttt! There's a warning ahead:

There are many good and different ways to start and grow and equity biz, and what we're offering in this program is one way that has worked for us -- there's not one best or only way. We offer our experience as a way by which you can find what works for you. We invite you to take what resonates and leave the rest, knowing that you can learn a ton from us and that you'll benefit most by tailoring what we teach you to suit your personality/organization/situation. It’s also worth mentioning that Dr. Christine Marie Ortiz Guzman started this org from scratch as the sole decision-maker in a team that is now comprised of six people, so if your context is radically different (i.e. you’re trying to shift things in an existing org and/or wanting to start or run a larger org) your approach might need to be pretty different from ours.

Phew! Pre-qualification complete! Onwards...

What you’ll learn to do in this two-week intensive:

When it comes to you:

  • Understand what skills and mindsets will serve you as a leader and entrepreneur
  • Begin to unlearn society’s perception of your potential and value as a leader (whether you’re a woman, poc, woc, young, etc.)
  • Manage fear and risk tolerance
  • Pace your work and make time for reading/writing/thinking/innovating/connecting
  • Hire teammates and subcontractors and decide to seek co-founders (or not) equitably and judiciously
  • Navigate decision-making, conflict, and role/person mismatches on your team

Re: your business:

  • Create equitable strategic plans, licensing agreements, Theory of Change, and attribution policies
  • Reimagine what performance evaluations, measurement/data collection/feedback, and case studies should look like through an equity lens
  • Handle incorporation, legal, IP, banking, accounting, tax, and documentation needs and concerns with minimal headaches (AND we’ll include our recs for good/reliable professionals)
  • Understand what kind of insurance you want, need, and can stand to say no to
  • Sourcing, selling, and marketing equitably, impactfully, and minimalistically (a rare albeit achievable trio)
  • Incubate people and grow your impact with with wisdom and vision
  • Offer salary and benefits fairly and sustainably
  • Re-envision onboarding, offer letters and contacts, and job descriptions and titles through a lens of practicality, belonging, and equity
  • Get only necessary/easy/effective software
  • Adopt best-practices for reimbursements, company cards, and documentation

About deals and clients:

  • Pre-screen client prospects for readiness and fit (emotional, financial, and otherwise)
  • Identify and talk to the decision-maker
  • Set boundaries and expectations early
  • Manage the timing and frequency of meetings, proposals, and feedback on work scopes
  • Understand (and be able to discuss) all things scoping and pricing
  • Know how/when to handle RFPs
  • Manage workload, capacity, project duration, and scope/contract adjustments
  • Learn how to leverage client work to do your own R&D
  • Deal with materials, printing, mailing, etc.
  • Know when and how to hire & fire a client
  • Have the “we’re going to work together remotely only” convo, and learn what it takes to do great virtual facilitation

Team and workflow things:

  • Work at a human-pace, centering intention and love over urgency
  • Set up equitable and efficient communication and scheduling norms and systems
  • Encourage autonomy, openness, and collaboration amongst your team
  • Cultivate a culture of community, healthy intimacy, fun, and joy



We’ll have 10 half-day, four-hour sessions total together (every weekday for two weeks) in which we’ll move through the topics above in a brain-and-energy-friendly way.

Each session will have 4 parts:

  1. Theory/philosophy
  2. How EMD does it - concrete examples
  3. Time to explore and apply
  4. Short Q/A



**While we highly recommend that you do your best to make all or most of the meetings, recordings of all sessions will be made available to you within a couple days of each class.**


$13,900, with the option to pay in installments of two or three at no additional cost.


Dr. Christine Marie Ortiz Guzman, co-creator of the equityXdesign framework, founder and CEO of Equity Meeds Design, and lifelong serial entrepreneur...need we say more? 👀 💁🏽‍♀️

Got questions? Want a no-strings-attached clarity call? Write to us at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you super soon 🤓



  1. Obligatory We’re-Not-Lawyers-And-We-Can’t-And-Don’t-Give-Legal-Advice Statement:
    We’re not lawyers and nothing in this document or program or anything else we distribute constitutes “legal advice.” Know that if you adopt our practices, take our biz advice, model your thing after our things, etc. -- you do so at your own risk.
  2. Don't expect anything yet: This class won't start until later in 2022 so regardless of when you enroll, we won't have Teachable content and more information available until then. You'll have to sit tight!
  3. [It wouldn’t be a caveat section if we didn’t include our] Refund Policy:
    We want you to be totally happy and fulfilled, and if we’ve made a mistake, we’re committed to making things right. If there’s an issue, please contact us within 30 days of enrollment at [email protected] so we can talk things through. Due to limitations set by Teachable, we are not able to offer refunds after 30 days of enrollment. Please also note that refunds are not available for scheduling conflicts, even unforeseen ones ☔. Don’t forget that sessions will be recorded in case you’ve gotta miss one, two, or a few 😘

Your Instructor

Christine Ortiz
Christine Ortiz

Dr. Christine Ortiz is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for innovation through equity-centered design. She has launched k-12 microschools, consulted for schools in the US and internationally, designed and coached entrepreneurs, coordinated a national competition for innovative school models, and designed and taught graduate-level courses on redesigning schools at the Stanford d.School and Harvard University. Her current venture is Equity Meets Design, a think/do tank merging the consciousness of equity work with the power of design methodologies.

Christine spent her teenage years creating the national Truth tobacco prevention campaign and consulting with states and other countries interested in implementing the model. The first in her family to have a college degree, Christine has a BS from MIT, Masters in Education and Non-Profit Management and a Doctorate in Education Leadership from Harvard University. In all her endeavors, she has been motivated to address the barriers innovators face when tackling complex equity-based social issues.

This course is closed for enrollment.